- A Show Stopper -

I, an avid reader and writer, write poems that are usually an escape, a way to express my feelings and somethings that are often not spoken off.. This blog has those poems I wrote, some I liked, some random and mostly those which helped me...in a hope, they help you too.. :) --Yours truly, Jazz.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Chapter #2!

Sorry for not blogging in ages...I realized I hadn't written much last couple of weeks. :P 
I decided to continue the story I wrote a month back...it's not much...and it's not even that nice...just something I felt like writing. 

Chapter #2

It was raining hard, pouring cats and dogs. I was breathing deep. I walked stealthily towards the door, one glance backwards to make sure I was alone and I slowly turned the door knob. Thunder struck and I shuddered. I hoped, with crosses behind my back, that the door wouldn't creek. Well, fate wasn't on my side. I had almost stopped breathing. With shaky hands, I opened the door. Followed by the loudest shriek ever, I opened my eyes.


I felt like banging my head on the desk. Ms. Jones made me get up and answer questions about stupid cells and their functions. My mind was busy examining the underlying reasons for me to have such a dream. It was a mystery. I never got to know who it was behind that door; although I did have my guesses.
It is said that a dream is a subconscious state where we tend to visualize something that has been buried deep in our thoughts - Weird. I don't remember thinking about anything near that. You should already get used to that…I am weird.
Now that I think of it, looking over the past, I have, as a matter of fact been a weird child and still do sometimes (sometimes? who am I kidding…) yeah, well, most of the times felt... weird, out of the place, alien. Ya' know what I mean? For example – I LOVE rains…I do… but then, I turn out to be the only one who HATES getting wet when it’s raining (well, at least among my friends).
Since childhood, I’ve had many disturbing dreams and they did, in some way or the other, affect me but I guess our fast paced life, failed to notice. I always avoided mentally disturbing movies and well, if I ever did watch, the scenes were bound to affect me either positively or negatively and then I tend to NEVER forget them. So, technically speaking, I don’t remember thinking about anything like that. It felt more like I was afraid that person behind that door was going to…nab me or something.

Fazed out, I got a nudge from Len. Biology was over. She looked at me like I was sick or something. Without saying much, we walked (almost ran) to cafeteria. She knew I was upto something…that something was wrong. But she knew I would tell he when the time was right…or when I felt like it. We had our space…yet we were very comfortable with each other. She was my best friend.
I couldn’t wait to see Damien. He was my other best friend. Only a best friend. Nothing more…so don’t get the wrong idea. He had the warmest brown eyes I’d ever seen. He was one person who could make me happy in a go. It was a miracle…considering I wasn’t one of those who would melt in a minute. That irritated me sometimes.  I hate admitting but I found myself more…at ease…with Damien rather than other good friends, even Len sometimes.
I saw Kailee, Harper, Chris and Damien sit together at our usual table. I sat down next to Damien, careful not to meet his eyes. The look in Len’s eyes pretty much summed up my behaviour. That sort of, did save me from the horde of questions I was going to be shot at anyways, so it was okay. Damien was aware about my dreams…just not that deep. He had no clue what was going on. He wasn’t aware they had started affecting me already. I tried to stay on a lighter topic and asked him about the Math homework we were given. He realized I didn’t want to talk about it and didn’t press much, even though I was aware I was going to have to face him sooner or later. I just wasn’t ready for it yet.
Lunch was over and we headed over to Calculus. Me, Len and Damien were closer than the rest but it didn’t matter much. Calculus, English, Spanish and Physics were the subjects where we were together; and Len had History.  

I stumbled in the doorway at Calculus. Mr. Burk smirked. Seriously, I have no idea what he had against me. I just rolled my eyes and made my way to the back seat. The seat to my right was always empty. It used to occupied by a girl named Dora…but she left the school and the seat was never filled again. Calculus dragged on. I was just short of a pillow…I swear, I could’ve had a good nap.
Calculus and Physics always did that to me. It was pathetic. But I passed on this one…

After Spanish, day ended, and reluctantly I headed home. The day was all gloomy and dull and it was about to start raining any minute. I had to finish my homework, avoid mum, watch tv. That was all I did. And believe me, avoiding mum needed practice. In order to do that, I decided to sneak in through the back door. The stairs were to the immediate left. Easy…

Had I known I was to expect something unexpected, I would’ve said otherwise.
