- A Show Stopper -

I, an avid reader and writer, write poems that are usually an escape, a way to express my feelings and somethings that are often not spoken off.. This blog has those poems I wrote, some I liked, some random and mostly those which helped me...in a hope, they help you too.. :) --Yours truly, Jazz.

Friday, November 04, 2011

Pair of favorite eyes

Another cheesy poem, seems I write a lot of cheesy ones. :P I will try not to... 

You search for
Those favorite pair of eyes
The ones that capture
Your heart and
Never fail to leave
You breathless.
You have something 
On the tip of your tongue
You want to share.
That feeling
Bubbling inside you.
You cant wait
To tell him,
Your best friend,
With that 
Sparkle in your eyes.
Beating faster,
Your heart
Finally sets its sight
On the destination.
Overcome with grief, 
You have no place
To hide.
It was then,
When you found
Those favorite pair of eyes,
Looking deep,
Into a pair 
Of another ones.
Someone you know,
You are happy for...
Yet cant help but be

Shattered heart. 

You have something
On the tip of your tongue
And you cant wait 
To tell him.
But that's how it stays.
You're not needed anymore.
Bleeding heart,
You compromise.
For those pair of favorite eyes,
The ones that
Capture your heart
And never fail 
To leave you breathless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you dont write your favorites a lot...:P