- A Show Stopper -

I, an avid reader and writer, write poems that are usually an escape, a way to express my feelings and somethings that are often not spoken off.. This blog has those poems I wrote, some I liked, some random and mostly those which helped me...in a hope, they help you too.. :) --Yours truly, Jazz.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The beach

Bleh. I don't like this one :P

The beach is a place
where memories are made
where the old ones linger,
and recent ones, still new and fresh.
The feeling no one can forget
when you're standing in the sea
where waves gently crawl by
and splash against your feet.
The breeze is gentle,
with its caring and soft hands
caressing you
and you're eager for more.
It is this place where you find 
people from all around
in bikinis, in shorts,
in summers, to tan out.
You find lovers of every generation
walk around hand in hand
share very special moments
and make special memories.
Collecting shells,
making sand castles,
no one can forget
these childhood games.
When you're happy and cheerful
or when you're down in the dumps
It is here that you come
You trust it with your heart, soul and mind.
You share it with the ocean
and the sun and breeze,
and let your thoughts run and fly
like a bird wild and free.
The beach is a place
where memories are made
where the old ones linger,
and recent ones, still new and fresh.


I didn't know what kind of a title I should give..so this one's probably the first.. without one. Here goes..

I lie on the bed,
close my eyes,
my mind is clouded,
thoughts popping up.
Amidst all, I see you
every time I close my eyes;
And suddenly 
I remember
Your eyes, shining bright
Your hair, gleaming in the sun
You smile...and
I swear
I just skipped a heartbeat.
I open my eyes
the blue ceiling above, I see.
You're no more
But you will always be
a memory, a remainder
of love, pure and bliss.
I love you,
I always will
And every time I miss you,
I lie on the bed,
close my eyes...and
I swear
I just skipped a heartbeat. :)

Friday, May 13, 2011


This one..is rather personal. It was written when I wasn't exactly in a mood to, so it isn't my best piece. 

A thank you
for the wonderful day
and the so-called gift
on my birthday.
I turned fifteen,
worst bit of news you could give
that you were parting
and that you wanted "a life to live".
I could see my day
the one I was eagerly waiting for,
cashing and broken
and given away.
I was calm then,
I am calm still,
but if you could ever peek in
it's a hurt and chaotic hill.
Pretty soon I guess,
I got used to it,
Sleepless nights,
tantrums fit.
Then we moved..
and people asked
we made excuses
and kept the grade unmasked.
It's been a year,
since that day
yet I can't help
but dismay.
I did forgive you
'cause you tried your best,
to keep it alive
to keep it suppressed.
It isn't your fault,
that it fell apart
I tried too,
with an aching heart.
I wish you both could understand,
it's not about me,
it's not about us,
it's about we being a happy family.
What's done, is done
what's wished, is wished
you can't do anything but face
the lone reality that's buried. 

Review? I would really like one for this poem..

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Some words...

When you stumble across sadness, failure,
Remember, it is happening because
Life realized that you needed a dose 
to get you off those faulty clouds
and that, you were running really high. 
Make it a point...to look at things 
in a different perspective, with a different thought.
All you need to do,
is to flip the coin..when and as you need it.
Sometimes, bad things happen 
to give way to the good things that come later.
You don't really have to experience everything
in one go, that'll just be meaningless, right?
If you believe..and create your world of make believe,
you have yourself to rely on.

-- Steven 'Steve' Jobs,

The guy next door

One boring evening, with nothing to deal with, I just wrote this poem. And it actually turned out to be better than I thought.
When you feel down in the dumps
And it looks like there's no way out
You look to your side, and you will find
I am always right here,
I am the guy next door.
A shoulder to lean on,
a caring hug to make you feel light
a kiss on your forehead 
to tell you it's alright.
Some one once told me,
'It's the darkest before dawn'
Some one also once told me
'A coin has two sides'
With bad comes the good 
With glad comes the brood.
And ever you feel, 
Too shy, too lonely..
And that you've got no one to talk to
Don't forget to look to your side,
'cause I am the guy next door,
right here always, just beside. 

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

My Dear Friend..

A very dear poem I'd made...for a very dear friend...when I shifted and left the place..

Hey there! Dear, dear friend..
even though our days are all about to end
I want this friendship to last
beyond the ocean, huge and vast.

In the days that are to come,
whatever the world,
how much ever numb..
Keep your efforts up and alive,
'cause its deeds and not the words
that matter in life!

Love you. :)

Race against time..

It is really rare to
find someone
who would say it
with courage and might
and without fear.
It is really weird
when you know what
you feel is wrong
yet, you really can't stop
feeling it.
It is just so irritating
when you know
you're doing something
you shouldn't be...
and you can't find a way
to stop doing it.
It is really hard
to forget it all
and in a second
shed all your sorrows
and be happy with the people
you know, don't deserve it.
It's heartening to see
how difficult it is
to carry on correspondence
when you know, 
you can't take it anymore. 
It is scary and sad to see
how your near and dear ones
turn out to be on the wrong path
and you can't help but stare 
and dismay and do 
absolutely nothing about it.
It's sad...really..
to see how often
I am at loss of words
to describe this life
as it is racing by
and I find myself 
up late behind
trying hard....
to just catch up.

Monday, May 02, 2011

Memories.. :)

Great memories..about a teacher who made our day..almost everyday.. :)

We thank you immensely today..
now that we will soon be leaving,
this may as well be your last birthday,
that we, as students, are celebrating..
We know that it's not that much
we are offering today,
But we hope you'll remember us
even when we are far away...
We will remember you always,
as a teacher, a friend and a guide,
who secured place in our hearts,
and turned us into soldiers and knights.
You have been a great teacher
and have surely made us aware,
about that world outside,
and to always love and care.

Heartiest wishes, 
for a lovely teacher..
-Grade 10th :)

A Quote -

FAME is a scentless flower, with a gaudy crown of gold..
But FRIENDSHIP is a breathing rose, with sweets in every fold.