- A Show Stopper -

I, an avid reader and writer, write poems that are usually an escape, a way to express my feelings and somethings that are often not spoken off.. This blog has those poems I wrote, some I liked, some random and mostly those which helped me...in a hope, they help you too.. :) --Yours truly, Jazz.

Saturday, November 05, 2011

A walk at the beach...

A friend of mine wrote this piece...it was so true, I decided to post it here! I liked it, hope you like it as well.

          I was walking, I don't know for how long maybe 3 or 4 hours. I had set out from home in an old khaki pants, a brown top and a black cardigan, wearing flip flops. My long hair were tied in a mess. I didn't know where I was headed. My legs were sore with pain and so was my heart. Maybe it was right not to expect things to happen but still I was obsessed. With the help of moonlight, I walked on. Now I had made up my mind it was the beach that was going to hear me cry tonight. I started walking downwards to the beach. At a point I removed my flip flops.

         I walked further till the sea. I could feel the waves splashing at my feet. I didn't care whether it was a high tide or a low one and somewhere I actually wished the waves would take me along. A normal person who is alone at night at the beach would feel totally at peace. But with me, the case was exactly opposite. It was difficult to decide who was more fierce, me or the sea. I had a heap of frustration stored in me but I usually like to cover it with a smile. That was the reason I acted like a drunkard, crazy. The reality was too hard to face; I am lonely. I was dying a little bit inside every time I saw his face, I so pathetically wished for him to be mine but Ha! who was I kidding? He always thought of me just as a friend, I was an insignificant part of his life but he didn't know that he basically made up my life. The time when I actually laughed; not pasted a smile on my face was when I was with him. His witty jokes and how he pulled my leg and made me laugh, made me realize how his existence really mattered a lot. But again for him, I was just a friend. Yet, there were times when he held my hand a little longer than usual or kept staring at me with his piercing hazelnut eyes, made me feel that somewhere he might have some little feelings. Shucks, no - it wasn't that way, he just knew that inside I was very lonely and he wanted me to get over it. He was just being a good friend. What could I do? I had started seeing him as more than one. I just wanted a way out.

             By now, I was all wet. Not only because of the sea, but because of my tears. I so wanted to be done. Once again, I made up the same resolution I knew I couldn't follow. Ignoring him was hard.

I looked at the black sea and the white moon one last time and somehow I was just amazed how they complemented each other so well. I put on my flip flops and started my way back home with a heavy heart and moreover a resolution, bound to break.

Friday, November 04, 2011

Break free

A poem I had written...not too old...yet different. 

Routine - 
the same old path.
The streets bustling,
people walking,
zombies coming to life.
Sweat. Hard work.
The typical paycheck,
the idiot box, back home.
Stress, less sleep,
food - the enemy.
Routine - 
the same old path.

Rain clashes.
Storm coming your way.
Break free,
Shout out loud,
let the world know
what you are worth.
Bring back the 
sparkle in your eyes.
the glow to your cheeks.

Smile, laugh
before you know it,
the thunder rolls,
lightning strikes,
and the world 
before your very own eyes.
And you're left helpless
regret is all you see.

Break the chains,
let go.
Before the time's passed
you'll know.
Not weak,
feel the power.
Open your eyes,
see it.
Feel alive.
Dance, sing.
Love and live.
Break free.
Soar High.

Pair of favorite eyes

Another cheesy poem, seems I write a lot of cheesy ones. :P I will try not to... 

You search for
Those favorite pair of eyes
The ones that capture
Your heart and
Never fail to leave
You breathless.
You have something 
On the tip of your tongue
You want to share.
That feeling
Bubbling inside you.
You cant wait
To tell him,
Your best friend,
With that 
Sparkle in your eyes.
Beating faster,
Your heart
Finally sets its sight
On the destination.
Overcome with grief, 
You have no place
To hide.
It was then,
When you found
Those favorite pair of eyes,
Looking deep,
Into a pair 
Of another ones.
Someone you know,
You are happy for...
Yet cant help but be

Shattered heart. 

You have something
On the tip of your tongue
And you cant wait 
To tell him.
But that's how it stays.
You're not needed anymore.
Bleeding heart,
You compromise.
For those pair of favorite eyes,
The ones that
Capture your heart
And never fail 
To leave you breathless.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Take a step back

I wrote it day before yesterday...Sorry for making it too long. It's quite a different one and I personally like it. Hope you like it.

A misty evening,
You open your eyes,
To a thought.
A realization.
You feel 
Like a colorless clown,
running behind
a Rusty Mannequin.
Like a maniac.
Too tight, 
A griphold.
You struggle to let go
You fight yourself.
A tear
squeezes itself out.
Those trembling hands - 
Fail to find 
a light to fade
The darkness,
that you are about
to push yourself
the clock strikes 12. 
The griphold,
you let loose.
Take a step back.
Push him away,
as away as you can.
Deep breath,
you look behind.
The rusty mannequin
you Need.
The clown that 
you have become.
Drugged you feel.
Yet standing straight,
you avoid.

You are not worried.
A picture
in your head
tells you.
He will come.
Say sorry.
One day,
 there will be bliss.

The world shakes,
you stand,
A firm ground.
And you find-
the apple not eaten,
the strand of the ribbon
not broken,
not looked upon.
What If?
What if...
everything goes...
The clock strikes 11.
The memories,
Etched forever,
You wait.
He never comes.
The sun never rises.
And it dawns 
upon you - 
He was never yours!
Hurt washes you over.
Your heart aches 
in grief.
He never needed you.

Blood-red eyes,
And stone-cold heart,
You Take a step back.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Trying my best...

It's not my personal favorite...not that good...but yeah I wrote it some time back...decided to post! :)

It kills me inside
a little bit everyday,
to see you walk out
of the room
without realizing
how much you mean to me;
how much I truly need you.

It hurts me inside 
a little bit everyday,
to see you look at me
yet behave as if
looking through 
a glass wall,
through nothing, air.

It scares me inside
a little bit everyday,
to think of how
everything will fade
to darkness
and we'll be left
following paths that
never intersect.

I collapse inside
a little bit everyday,
when all my efforts 
bound me as if
I am gagged
and I can't get
the words across.

I lose hope inside
a little bit everyday,
whenever I see you
happy and feel
helpless to see me
so pathetic and lost.

I am dying inside
a little bit everyday,
because I keep 
running out of imagination
and can't seem to
get enough of you.

But... I AM trying inside
a little bit everyday,
because I know
I need to believe
even if you're a treasure
too far out of reach.


Friday, October 07, 2011

You mean more than everything to me..

It is kind of cheesy... But then again, I like cheese. :)

I buried it deep
within myself.
Because the thought 
of pulling you in, 
through it all,
feels like sin.

I swallow my tears,
gulp down my fears,
for I know I have no choice,
And I will have to
face it
Head on.

I grit my teeth,
and carry on.
Hide the failure 
through my eyes.
Or when I cease to talk
and dwell in, on negative thoughts.

Often I see myself
hungry for love.
Or even a mere nod
Or a kiss on the forehead.
With a different kind of assurity
that everything 
will be fine.

When the night closes down 
and my mistakes bury me
I feel suffocated
with no place to go
And that is when,
I think of you
so desperately.

You say you don't
mind helping...
But it makes me 
feel guilty,
for sticking onto you
like a parasite. 

You have no idea 
how it feels,
when in deep sea
the warmth of your hug
makes it all okay,
in one go.

That caring tone 
in your voice
is something I always
yearn for,
no matter how much I show
I can survive,
without it, I feel empty.

I try hard to hide it all
from the eyes of the world
try to keep it
away from you...
But you always
seem to hit bullseye.

How do you do it,
is a wonder to me.
But I guess
without you sweetheart, 
I would be no more than
a lifeless being
morose and helpless, in darkness.

I try to divert my feelings
and I can't help but realize
how much you mean to me.
I try my best to go on
but ultimately,
I can't seem to go on without you.

I don't know how to 
get it across but,
here's something,
I would like you to know-
Thank you...for everything
you have ever done...
Because it means more than
everything to me.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Cold November evening...

 It is just a paragraph I wrote one night when I was kinda bored. Read it slow. . . Tell me if you understand it. :)

           I see you walking away from me. The look on your face, undigested. I keep staring at you, not facing me. And as you start walking, I slip my hands into my pockets. With a shattered heart, I look down, at my feet, at the road. I look up again, hopeful, only to see you with her, hand in hand. I see the lane, with cars parked on the right and shops to the left, all dull and gloomy. Suddenly the road seems quiet. The traffic suddenly slowed down. It’s November and the sun is setting. I shiver slightly, Goosebumps all over my arms, left cold. I look down again, numb and blank with no clue what to do, what to think. It’s uneasy, uncomfortable, standing alone on this road in the cold November evening. I wonder what went wrong, what I did or said. I am aware, I should be heading home but somehow my feet are all heavy. The place looks rusted. But you don’t. You look just the way you looked always. I look up in the sky, it’s still blue…with white puffed clouds. The sun, to my left, splashed the sky in tones of purple and orange. I took a deep breath. Pulled my hood over, brushed the strands of my brown hair aside. Everything feels heavy, out of place, alien. My chest hurts, badly. I wanted to curl up somewhere. Close my eyes. Not think about anything, and let the pain have me. With my hands in my jacket pockets, I finally pick my heavy legs and leave the place. I walk dead ahead, not bothered where I end up. The ever bowed head, with my messy and now moist hair. It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered now. My ribs aching badly, I start crashing down. Breathing deeply, I look at the teardrop make an impression on my jeans. Why would you do that? I needed you the most, and that’s when you decide to disappear, vanish, go poof…and vaporize into thin air. Fog and mist cover my eyes. I’m generally not the kind of person who would cry over somebody. I clasp the chain in my right pocket and the pendant. It has your picture in it. It starts to drizzle. I realize I was sitting on the front porch steps of Mrs. Heavens. I bend down n tie the laces of my purple converse to avoid facing her…or the people walking by. I don’t have the courage to go to school tomorrow, rather go home and face mum. I rest my head on the wall of the staircase and before I know, I’m into deep slumber. 

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Chapter #2!

Sorry for not blogging in ages...I realized I hadn't written much last couple of weeks. :P 
I decided to continue the story I wrote a month back...it's not much...and it's not even that nice...just something I felt like writing. 

Chapter #2

It was raining hard, pouring cats and dogs. I was breathing deep. I walked stealthily towards the door, one glance backwards to make sure I was alone and I slowly turned the door knob. Thunder struck and I shuddered. I hoped, with crosses behind my back, that the door wouldn't creek. Well, fate wasn't on my side. I had almost stopped breathing. With shaky hands, I opened the door. Followed by the loudest shriek ever, I opened my eyes.


I felt like banging my head on the desk. Ms. Jones made me get up and answer questions about stupid cells and their functions. My mind was busy examining the underlying reasons for me to have such a dream. It was a mystery. I never got to know who it was behind that door; although I did have my guesses.
It is said that a dream is a subconscious state where we tend to visualize something that has been buried deep in our thoughts - Weird. I don't remember thinking about anything near that. You should already get used to that…I am weird.
Now that I think of it, looking over the past, I have, as a matter of fact been a weird child and still do sometimes (sometimes? who am I kidding…) yeah, well, most of the times felt... weird, out of the place, alien. Ya' know what I mean? For example – I LOVE rains…I do… but then, I turn out to be the only one who HATES getting wet when it’s raining (well, at least among my friends).
Since childhood, I’ve had many disturbing dreams and they did, in some way or the other, affect me but I guess our fast paced life, failed to notice. I always avoided mentally disturbing movies and well, if I ever did watch, the scenes were bound to affect me either positively or negatively and then I tend to NEVER forget them. So, technically speaking, I don’t remember thinking about anything like that. It felt more like I was afraid that person behind that door was going to…nab me or something.

Fazed out, I got a nudge from Len. Biology was over. She looked at me like I was sick or something. Without saying much, we walked (almost ran) to cafeteria. She knew I was upto something…that something was wrong. But she knew I would tell he when the time was right…or when I felt like it. We had our space…yet we were very comfortable with each other. She was my best friend.
I couldn’t wait to see Damien. He was my other best friend. Only a best friend. Nothing more…so don’t get the wrong idea. He had the warmest brown eyes I’d ever seen. He was one person who could make me happy in a go. It was a miracle…considering I wasn’t one of those who would melt in a minute. That irritated me sometimes.  I hate admitting but I found myself more…at ease…with Damien rather than other good friends, even Len sometimes.
I saw Kailee, Harper, Chris and Damien sit together at our usual table. I sat down next to Damien, careful not to meet his eyes. The look in Len’s eyes pretty much summed up my behaviour. That sort of, did save me from the horde of questions I was going to be shot at anyways, so it was okay. Damien was aware about my dreams…just not that deep. He had no clue what was going on. He wasn’t aware they had started affecting me already. I tried to stay on a lighter topic and asked him about the Math homework we were given. He realized I didn’t want to talk about it and didn’t press much, even though I was aware I was going to have to face him sooner or later. I just wasn’t ready for it yet.
Lunch was over and we headed over to Calculus. Me, Len and Damien were closer than the rest but it didn’t matter much. Calculus, English, Spanish and Physics were the subjects where we were together; and Len had History.  

I stumbled in the doorway at Calculus. Mr. Burk smirked. Seriously, I have no idea what he had against me. I just rolled my eyes and made my way to the back seat. The seat to my right was always empty. It used to occupied by a girl named Dora…but she left the school and the seat was never filled again. Calculus dragged on. I was just short of a pillow…I swear, I could’ve had a good nap.
Calculus and Physics always did that to me. It was pathetic. But I passed on this one…

After Spanish, day ended, and reluctantly I headed home. The day was all gloomy and dull and it was about to start raining any minute. I had to finish my homework, avoid mum, watch tv. That was all I did. And believe me, avoiding mum needed practice. In order to do that, I decided to sneak in through the back door. The stairs were to the immediate left. Easy…

Had I known I was to expect something unexpected, I would’ve said otherwise.


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Losing touch...

A poem I'd forgotten about...I found in my diary...recent yet old.. Not a personal favorite but I do like the ending few lines. Pretty chaotic.. 

What happens when you lose touch?
When you lose contact?
Your hearts shattered
Everything seems empty.
You keep the smile on your face
But underneath you're hollow.
That's when you remember
the fond memories
and joyful times together
and suddenly you feel 
that pain your chest.
It grabs you suddenly
and you're wide awake
when you'd fallen asleep
dreaming about it all.
You see the shadow
fading to darkness
and you hide your feelings,
and you're already breathless.
 Even though you can't bear it,
and you yearn for it, all over again;
You know there's nothing you can do...
'Cause it's already losing it's grip.
Wish you hadn't said somethings...
Wish you hadn't shown somethings...
Wish things had turned out differently,
And you didn't look like a fool, a loser. 
You're ready to change it,
You're ready to do it,
For that one person who meant everything,
You're ready to leave the world behind. 
But the time's gone,
You're already running late for it all.
It's a nightmare that came true,
and overpowered all the dreaming that you do,
And that's when you wake up, 
shudder and realize
wipe that tear in the corner of your eye;
You didn't mean to start it all,
And all you're waiting for,
is that one phone call.

Friday, July 08, 2011

Him Again. Review this one please! Chapter #1!

So, I recently wrote a short paragraph about this scene of a story that was running through my mind. :P I haven't really written after this one...but do tell me how it is. 

He was walking away from me. No. NO. It was as though my scream was muted. My throat hurt. I saw him till his shadow wasn't visible. It was dark. I shuddered. My eyes were wet. My right hand clutched on to something in the air. Hard. And that's when I landed back on earth. I dreamed again last night. I dreamed about him. It was a nightmare.


I could smell banana pancakes. They were my favorite. It didn't take me long to figure out why mum made them. I was going to have to visit a therapist. I heaved a long sigh. I WASN'T going to therapy. Not this time. My mom had started freaking out a week ago. When my nightmares had started again. They were attacking me. Worse than ever. I thought of last night, remembered about when hell had closed down on me. Like it did past a week now. How long was it going to last?

Mom came in, handed me a plate of pancakes and sat down beside me. I knew what was going to come next. "Sweetheart, I don't get what's so wrong about therapy." She stroked my cheek while she said that. I rolled my eyes and ate my pancake without a word. We were done talking about this for too long now. "Look, I know what you're thinking, but you should really consider it. Besides, it'll mostly be Carla doing it." She smiled while she mentioned her name. Carla Heavens - four years elder than me, an old neighbor. We were pretty close back then. But then, she changed her school, got new friends. The popular and pathetic kind. She took psychology as her subject of specialization for college. She probably had to counsel kinds as her a project. I almost smirked and my expressions must have been pretty obvious because Mom just then went "I thought you liked her..." And I said nothing. The phone just went off and Mom rushed out to take it. I rolled my eyes again. I didn't mean to be difficult, I wasn't usually. It's just... No Therapy.                    

Yep, that's about it.   

Showing the path..

Sometimes when the night grows long
and regrets run through your mind,
you look back on your life
and wonder what you've left behind.
You've won no fame or fortune,
no title, power or land.
No loyal group of followers,
no one at your command.
You brood on all the chances lost,
when you could have had the prize,
But fate stepped in and stole it
right before your very eyes.
Is there any hope for meaning,
any legacy to leave?
Any way to join the ranks of those
who struggle and achieve?
Then a small voice speaks inside you
of a deed done long ago,
a trifling thing or so it seemed.
You had no way to know.
Your kindly act of charity
that turned a life around
and set some soul back on the path
where freedom can be found.
If not for you would have gone undone,
only you could make it so.
You were put here for a reason, friend,
that only God can know.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I don't know why...but I really liked this one. It was true..to it's nature and it just..came. So..yeah..hope you like it. :)

You see him 
texting again,
It's gotta be you
simple and plain.
That's when
darkens the weather..
You haven't talked
in days together.
Strikes the chord,
the music plays,
instead of yellows 
it's blues and grays.
There is a big lump
in your throat.
You gulp
but it doesn't go.
Suddenly you feel
lonely all over,
insecure, weak 
and out of power.
You take a step
and play strong.
There's possibly nothing
that could ever go wrong.
And you await that reply,
all though the night..
and think positive,
happy and light.
You keep up hope
and fingers crossed.
But you gotta admit
you're scared and lost.
And just when 
you're about to give up,
You see her
and your fear is confirmed.
You tell your brain
mind and heart,
console yourself
to stay apart.
You hate this feeling
and you can't help it
'Jealousy' is the word
yep, you know it.
When time's passed,
and you're feeling alright
Let her have him..
You give up the fight.
You feel the breeze
take a deep breath.
Your time will come
No losing faith.

Friday, June 03, 2011


This was in the drafts and I realized I hadn't posted this.. 

Sometimes we wish and keep wishing
sometimes we hope and keep hoping,
but there is someone who
sometimes, fulfills both.

At times, I wish and keep wishing
even when I know it isn't working
with my heart not ready to accept
and a will not ready to shatter.

Once again, after years, I wished
and knew it ain't getting fulfilled
Along came you,
and built a bridge brand new
to that world of attention and heed.

It was different, it was nice
unexpected with absolutely no price
to see someone like you
make way for someone like me.

It was as though the sun
was peeping out of the clouds
after ages of darkness
there it was, shining bright.

And once when I looked back
I saw the journey I traveled so far
and thanked almighty or that caring hand
I'd finally found. 

If only you knew how much you meant to me.
If only you knew how much I needed you.
You made my day when it was dark
I thought positive when I was with you.

I thought people got used to loneliness
and I hoped I would too.
Seems I got it wrong
because I might see myself begging for you. 

So thank you for being there
when I needed it.
And I want to be there
when you need me too.

Hurt...deep within.

It's cheesy and you probably won't like it... But I wrote it and decided it to post it anyways. :/

I cried last night
overcome with guilt
all the memories flashing
thoughts running in front of my eyes.
I didn't know what to do
Didn't know whom to talk to
The music burned in my ears
And I drowned into the pain.
Tears flowed down my cheek
My heart ached
Scared and confused
I felt helpless; hopeless rather.
I tried to calm myself
But I wouldn't work
I breathed harder
My hands wrapped around myself
And I plunged into the pain.
After a while,
I heaved a long sigh
The tears were gone
my eyes were clouded.
And I longed for him
more than ever
Because I knew
I would feel alright
safe and protected
in his arms.
I remembered the day earlier
wished I didn't
feel like such a loser..
and tears flowed down my cheek
I tried to calm myself
But it wouldn't work. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The beach

Bleh. I don't like this one :P

The beach is a place
where memories are made
where the old ones linger,
and recent ones, still new and fresh.
The feeling no one can forget
when you're standing in the sea
where waves gently crawl by
and splash against your feet.
The breeze is gentle,
with its caring and soft hands
caressing you
and you're eager for more.
It is this place where you find 
people from all around
in bikinis, in shorts,
in summers, to tan out.
You find lovers of every generation
walk around hand in hand
share very special moments
and make special memories.
Collecting shells,
making sand castles,
no one can forget
these childhood games.
When you're happy and cheerful
or when you're down in the dumps
It is here that you come
You trust it with your heart, soul and mind.
You share it with the ocean
and the sun and breeze,
and let your thoughts run and fly
like a bird wild and free.
The beach is a place
where memories are made
where the old ones linger,
and recent ones, still new and fresh.


I didn't know what kind of a title I should give..so this one's probably the first.. without one. Here goes..

I lie on the bed,
close my eyes,
my mind is clouded,
thoughts popping up.
Amidst all, I see you
every time I close my eyes;
And suddenly 
I remember
Your eyes, shining bright
Your hair, gleaming in the sun
You smile...and
I swear
I just skipped a heartbeat.
I open my eyes
the blue ceiling above, I see.
You're no more
But you will always be
a memory, a remainder
of love, pure and bliss.
I love you,
I always will
And every time I miss you,
I lie on the bed,
close my eyes...and
I swear
I just skipped a heartbeat. :)

Friday, May 13, 2011


This one..is rather personal. It was written when I wasn't exactly in a mood to, so it isn't my best piece. 

A thank you
for the wonderful day
and the so-called gift
on my birthday.
I turned fifteen,
worst bit of news you could give
that you were parting
and that you wanted "a life to live".
I could see my day
the one I was eagerly waiting for,
cashing and broken
and given away.
I was calm then,
I am calm still,
but if you could ever peek in
it's a hurt and chaotic hill.
Pretty soon I guess,
I got used to it,
Sleepless nights,
tantrums fit.
Then we moved..
and people asked
we made excuses
and kept the grade unmasked.
It's been a year,
since that day
yet I can't help
but dismay.
I did forgive you
'cause you tried your best,
to keep it alive
to keep it suppressed.
It isn't your fault,
that it fell apart
I tried too,
with an aching heart.
I wish you both could understand,
it's not about me,
it's not about us,
it's about we being a happy family.
What's done, is done
what's wished, is wished
you can't do anything but face
the lone reality that's buried. 

Review? I would really like one for this poem..

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Some words...

When you stumble across sadness, failure,
Remember, it is happening because
Life realized that you needed a dose 
to get you off those faulty clouds
and that, you were running really high. 
Make it a point...to look at things 
in a different perspective, with a different thought.
All you need to do,
is to flip the coin..when and as you need it.
Sometimes, bad things happen 
to give way to the good things that come later.
You don't really have to experience everything
in one go, that'll just be meaningless, right?
If you believe..and create your world of make believe,
you have yourself to rely on.

-- Steven 'Steve' Jobs,

The guy next door

One boring evening, with nothing to deal with, I just wrote this poem. And it actually turned out to be better than I thought.
When you feel down in the dumps
And it looks like there's no way out
You look to your side, and you will find
I am always right here,
I am the guy next door.
A shoulder to lean on,
a caring hug to make you feel light
a kiss on your forehead 
to tell you it's alright.
Some one once told me,
'It's the darkest before dawn'
Some one also once told me
'A coin has two sides'
With bad comes the good 
With glad comes the brood.
And ever you feel, 
Too shy, too lonely..
And that you've got no one to talk to
Don't forget to look to your side,
'cause I am the guy next door,
right here always, just beside. 

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

My Dear Friend..

A very dear poem I'd made...for a very dear friend...when I shifted and left the place..

Hey there! Dear, dear friend..
even though our days are all about to end
I want this friendship to last
beyond the ocean, huge and vast.

In the days that are to come,
whatever the world,
how much ever numb..
Keep your efforts up and alive,
'cause its deeds and not the words
that matter in life!

Love you. :)

Race against time..

It is really rare to
find someone
who would say it
with courage and might
and without fear.
It is really weird
when you know what
you feel is wrong
yet, you really can't stop
feeling it.
It is just so irritating
when you know
you're doing something
you shouldn't be...
and you can't find a way
to stop doing it.
It is really hard
to forget it all
and in a second
shed all your sorrows
and be happy with the people
you know, don't deserve it.
It's heartening to see
how difficult it is
to carry on correspondence
when you know, 
you can't take it anymore. 
It is scary and sad to see
how your near and dear ones
turn out to be on the wrong path
and you can't help but stare 
and dismay and do 
absolutely nothing about it.
It's sad...really..
to see how often
I am at loss of words
to describe this life
as it is racing by
and I find myself 
up late behind
trying hard....
to just catch up.

Monday, May 02, 2011

Memories.. :)

Great memories..about a teacher who made our day..almost everyday.. :)

We thank you immensely today..
now that we will soon be leaving,
this may as well be your last birthday,
that we, as students, are celebrating..
We know that it's not that much
we are offering today,
But we hope you'll remember us
even when we are far away...
We will remember you always,
as a teacher, a friend and a guide,
who secured place in our hearts,
and turned us into soldiers and knights.
You have been a great teacher
and have surely made us aware,
about that world outside,
and to always love and care.

Heartiest wishes, 
for a lovely teacher..
-Grade 10th :)

A Quote -

FAME is a scentless flower, with a gaudy crown of gold..
But FRIENDSHIP is a breathing rose, with sweets in every fold. 

Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Book of Memories..

Hidden in the attic,
all the way upstairs,
is something very special,
that I would like to share.
My hopes,
my dreams,
old photographs,
of good and bad times that make me laugh.
The joy of a hug,
the thrill of a kiss,
leaves me to remember
 the pure, simple bliss.
I cry for the fun,
and giggle for the pain,
I enjoyed the good life 
I was able to maintain.
The thoughts and wishes,
they all stay with me,
all of these contained
in my book of memories.. 

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Friendships come and friendships go
Like wave upon the sand
Like day and night
Like birds in a flight
Like snowflakes in winter
But you and I are something else
Our friendship's here to stay..
Like weeds and rocks and dirty socks,
It will never go away.

Treasures In Life


There are treasures in life, but owners are few
of money and power, to buy things brand new.

Yet you can be wealthy... and feel regal too
if you will just look for the treasures in you.

These treasures in life are not hard to find,
when you look in your soul, your heart and your mind.

For when you are willing, to share what's within,
 your fervent search for riches will magically end.

The joy and the laughter, the smile that you bring;
the heart unafraid, to love and to sing.

The hand always willing to help those in need,
 ones quick to reach out, to labor and fee.

So thank you for sharing these great gifts inside,
the caring, the cheering, the hug when one cried.

Thanks for the energy, encouragement too,
and thank you for sharing the treasures in you...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I cherish you :)

Your friendship is special, 
Like the flowers that bloom,
Or when a butterfly emerges
From within its cocoon.
I cherish every moment
 That I spend with you
And minutes and seconds
 That I miss too.
You probably won't realize
 How much you mean to me
Even when you're tired,
 Exhausted and asleep.
I know, I will never forget you.
And I know that you won't too.
I have no words whatsoever to thank you
For all that you have done,
And might always do.
Just that I hope,
you know I cherish you.
And trust the feeling, 
That you cherish me too. 

On the wings of a butterfly...

You remind me of that butterfly,
Loving and free,
Bright and colorful,
For the world to see. 
We will share the sunshine and rainbows,
Sometimes, the rain and snow,
We'll stand through it 
While the cold winds blow.
When the time is right,
We won't stop and ask 'Why?'
Our friendship will take flight,
On the wings of a butterfly..

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

A Friend

A friend is someone we turn to
when our spirits need a lift,
A friend is someone we treasure
for our friendship is a gift,
A friend is someone who fills our lives
with beauty, joy, and grace
And makes the world we live in
a better and happier place.


A Friend

A friend is like a shade tree
beside a summer way.
A friend is like the sunshine
that makes a perfect day.
A friend is like a flower
that’s worn close to the heart.
A friend is like a treasure
with which one will not part.
 -Year 2008

Hey hey

This blog is basically a collection of all my poems, written ages ago to the latest, short stories [rarely] and some poems that I really liked..
Yeah..So, go through them and don't forget to tell me how they are.. :)